
G.C. Express Clark

G.C. Express Clark was a ground-up project completed by the Oscar W. Larson Company in Freemont Township, MI. For this project, Oscar W. Larson supplied and installed the following:

  • • Excavation
  • • Two 20,000 gallon underground storage tanks (UST), one 12,000 gallon split UST, and one 4,000 gallon UST.
  • • Two canopies (one for diesel and one for gasoline fueling), including footings, fueling islands, guard posts, and bumper posts.
  • • All doublewall product piping, containment sumps, vents, all overfill / overspill protection, manholes, and two submersible pumps with mechanical leak detectors
  • • Wayne Ovation pumps. All dispensers include card readers and PCI compliant key pads.
  • • Electrical, including LED canopy lights
  • • One 1,000 gallon UST for DEF with DEF dispensers.
  • • One 1,000 gallon doublewall UL-142 AST with retail dispenser for Kerosene/Racing Fuel.
  • • Veeder-Root tank monitoring system.
  • • Ruby Sapphire POS System with dispenser communication.